Title: Comprehensive DBT ---- Programsubtitle: Individual Sessions + Skills Groups + Phone Coaching ---- Programoverview: - bullets: | - Weekly DBT Skills Group - Weekly individual sessions tailored to you - Phone Coaching - Identify & treat behavioral & emotional issues sessions: | Weekly individual sessions (45 minutes) **($170 per session)** Weekly DBT Skills Group **($50 per group)** Contact us today to learn about upcoming packages price: '(available in NY & FL)' ---- Layout: [{"attrs":{"layoutclass":"","layoutid":"","containblock":"","marginbottom":"false"},"columns":[{"blocks":[{"content":{"text":"
\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bOur Comprehensive DBT program delivers powerful tools to help students on their journey to building better mental health. Purpose built for students, this program combines individual therapy sessions, DBT skills group sessions and phone coaching \u2013 providing the support you need when you need it. The program is flexible, delivering tailored treatment to reflect your unique needs.\u00a0<\/p>
It focuses on identifying behavioral issues, developing emotional strength, remaining present and equipping you with the skills you need to own your time, own your space, and own your experience.\u00a0
One semester. A lifetime of skills.<\/p>"},"id":"995bb5b9-e647-48b8-9550-a9c494446ec0","isHidden":false,"type":"text"}],"id":"6e3c3841-3bdf-4cf5-88f1-356f7443b33e","width":"1\/1"}],"id":"036420e3-6914-42a7-9a62-6612f3e3a873"}] ---- Cover: - students.jpg ---- Herotype: Hero Image ---- Heroimage: - pexels-pixabay-163444.jpg ---- Heroimagetitletype: false ---- Heroimagetitle: ---- Heroimagesubtitle: ---- Heroimagefade: true ---- Heroimageheight: Medium ---- Heroimageposition: center ---- Heroimagepositionmobile: center ---- Slides: ---- Heroslidertitletype: false ---- Heroslidertitle: ---- Heroslidersubtitle: ---- Showsliderarrows: false ---- Herosliderfade: false ---- Randomsliders: false ---- Herosliderheight: ---- Heroslideposition: ---- Herovideofile: ---- Herovimeourl: ---- Herovideoposter: ---- Herovideotitletype: false ---- Herovideotitle: ---- Herovideosubtitle: ---- Herovideofade: false ---- Herovideoheight: ---- Metatitle: Comprehensive DBT ---- Metadescription: ---- Ogtitle: ---- Ogdescription: ---- Ogimage: ---- Ogsitename: ---- Ourl: ---- Ogaudio: ---- Ogvideo: ---- Ogdeterminer: ---- Ogtype: ---- Ogtypearticlepublishedtime: ---- Ogtypearticlemodifiedtime: ---- Ogtypearticleexpirationtime: ---- Ogtypearticleauthor: ---- Ogtypearticlesection: ---- Ogtypearticletag: ---- Twittertitle: ---- Twitterdescription: ---- Twitterimage: ---- Twittercardtype: ---- Twittersite: ---- Twittercreator: ---- Programdescription: ---- Meta-title: Cyber Security Risk Management ---- Meta-description: Our approach to cyber security risk management is acutely business focused - we help you target your cyber security spending where it matters most ---- Meta-canonical-url: ---- Meta-author: Nicolson Bray ---- Meta-image: ---- Meta-phone-number: ---- Og-title: Cyber Security Risk Management ---- Og-description: Our approach to cyber security risk management is acutely business focused - we help you target your cyber security spending where it matters most ---- Og-image: ---- Og-site-name: ---- Og-url: ---- Og-audio: ---- Og-video: ---- Og-determiner: ---- Og-type: website ---- Og-type-article-published-time: ---- Og-type-article-modified-time: ---- Og-type-article-expiration-time: ---- Og-type-article-author: ---- Og-type-article-section: ---- Og-type-article-tag: ---- Twitter-title: Cyber Security Risk Management ---- Twitter-description: Our approach to cyber security risk management is acutely business focused - we help you target your cyber security spending where it matters most ---- Twitter-image: ---- Twitter-card-type: summary_large_image ---- Twitter-site: @nicolsonbray ---- Twitter-creator: ---- Robots-noindex: ---- Robots-nofollow: ---- Robots-noarchive: ---- Robots-noimageindex: ---- Robots-nosnippet: ---- Cover2: ---- Hover: ---- Serviceimage: ---- Servicedescription: ---- Menutext: ---- Showinfooter: false ---- Socialtitle: ---- Socialdescription: ---- Socialimage: ---- Icon: - risk-management.svg ---- Iconhover: - risk-management-hover.svg ---- Serviceicon: - risk-management.svg ---- Serviceiconhover: - risk-management-hover.svg ---- Setpagewidth: Full width ---- Makeonepagesection: false ---- Serviceintro: Risk management programs often go wrong. They frequently overreach, or are overly complex. At worst they can prevent businesses from evolving, entering new markets and digitally transforming. But this needn't be the case. ---- Servicecoverimage: - adobestock_91476783.jpg ---- Blockcolour2: #8D86C9 ---- Textcolour: #FFFFFF ---- Usetitle: false ---- Showheroimagetitle: true ---- Addheroimagefade: true ---- Titleposition: ---- Heroheight: fullscreen ---- Heroposition: middle ---- Usetitleslider: false ---- Showslidertitle: false ---- Addsliderfade: false ---- Slidertitleposition: ---- Videofiles: ---- Videoposter: ---- Usetitlevideo: false ---- Showvideotitle: ---- Addvideofade: ---- Videotitleposition: ---- Videoheroheight: ---- Description: ---- Heroimagesubsubtitle: ---- Heroslidersubsubtitle: ---- Pagetitle: Web Design ---- Addslidefade: ---- Bgcolor: #1a3868 ---- Builder: - text: | Risk management programs often go wrong. They frequently overreach, or are overly complex. At worst they can prevent businesses from evolving, entering new markets and digitally transforming. But this needn't be the case. Our risk management ethos is tailored to fit your business. We begin with understanding how you operate, where the value lies in your business, and what incidents would negatively impact that. Only then do we delve into the tech. That means our conclusions are always tightly aligned with your business. But that doesn't mean we over complicate. Because our consultants have decades of experience across diverse industry verticals, we take a highly pragmatic approach to identifying and remediating risk within your infrastructure. And that expertise means we have a detailed knowledge on the ever changing cyber threat landscape. This enables us to quickly determine risks to your on prem and cloud infrastructure, and develop flexible security strategies which can adapt as technologies and threats evolve. *This all leads to better cyber risk management. As a business enabler. Not a blocker.* sectionid: "" _key: bodytext _uid: bodytext_1603185606208_232 ---- Servicebackgroundcolor: #b71962