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A passionate and empathetic professional, Adam has dedicated his career to exploring, understanding, and harnessing the benefits of DBT in the pursuit of better mental health. <\/p>


Clinically, he has been intensively trained and supervised in DBT by Dr. Charles Swenson, DBT-PE (prolonged exposure) for trauma by Dr. Melanie Harned and Dr. Lorie Ritschel, DBT-A by Dr. Alec Miller and Dr. Jill Rathus (online), TF-CBT (trauma focused) by Dr. Elissa Brown, Coping Cat (for child anxiety) by Dr. Phillip Kendall, and Essentials of CBT\/CBT for Depression\/CBT for Anxiety by Dr. Judith Beck (online).<\/p>


Prior to founding Campus DBT, Adam ran the young adult program at an adherent DBT practice. Here he nurtured the thought that accessibility and practicality were the keys to delivering benefits that have an enduring, positive impact \u2013 a core mission of Campus DBT today.<\/p>


Academically, Adam graduated Cum Laude with his BA from Yeshiva University. He went on to earn his MSW from Long Island University Brooklyn and was awarded the Dean\u2019s Scholar Award for Academic Excellence. He is currently undertaking a PhD in social work at Adelphi University, with DBT as his research focus. He is an adjunct professor at Yeshiva University\u2019s Wurzweiller School of Social Work.<\/p>"},"id":"7d21d799-9ceb-4c89-867e-ab250ee43091","isHidden":false,"type":"text"}],"id":"8dd0fe97-85e4-47c5-b1e9-b66d35e3d660","width":"1\/2"},{"blocks":[{"content":{"level":"h2","text":"Jonathan Buchsbayew LCSW, Founder<\/em>","justify":""},"id":"643e42bc-d17c-43e8-97b8-de5e2e0f79d3","isHidden":false,"type":"heading"},{"content":{"text":"

A highly qualified yet approachable and affable DBT guru, Jonathan has made the deployment of DBT to help people combat challenges his life\u2019s work.<\/p>


Jonathan received his master\u2019s degree in social work from Fordham University and has worked extensively in the field of substance abuse, addiction, and mental health since 2005. In 2015, Jonathan was intensively trained in DBT by Behavior Tech. Jonathan also has specialized training in CBT, addiction, trauma, EMDR and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART).<\/p>


Prior to co-founding Campus DBT with Adam, Jonathan was the Clinical Director for New York Center for Living, alongside being Clinical Supervisor at OHEL Children\u2019s Home and Family Services, where he had oversight of and was responsible for training and integration of DBT into the clinical programming.<\/p>


He also served as Clinical Co-ordinator at The Living Room, a Brooklyn based program for young adults in recovery. He has also taught as an adjunct professor at Touro University. A published author, he co-authored Stepping Out of the Abyss: A Jewish guide to recovery (Mosaica Press, 2017).<\/p>"},"id":"9c46c95f-3e7a-485f-8e42-c4105ce7f0f4","isHidden":false,"type":"text"}],"id":"614d1d5c-b803-4fcd-95c3-5469bfd37485","width":"1\/2"}],"id":"9be37e09-bfe8-4eb4-8700-603204604dd1"}] ---- Herotype: ---- Heroimage: ---- Heroimagetitletype: true ---- Heroimagetitle: ---- Heroimagesubtitle: ---- Heroimagefade: true ---- Heroimageheight: Medium ---- Heroimageposition: bottom ---- Heroimagepositionmobile: center ---- Slides: ---- Heroslidertitletype: false ---- Heroslidertitle: ---- Heroslidersubtitle: ---- Showsliderarrows: false ---- Herosliderfade: false ---- Randomsliders: false ---- Herosliderheight: ---- Heroslideposition: ---- Herovideofile: ---- Herovimeourl: ---- Herovideoposter: ---- Herovideotitletype: false ---- Herovideotitle: ---- Herovideosubtitle: ---- Herovideofade: false ---- Herovideoheight: ---- Metatitle: About Campus DBT ---- Metadescription: ---- Ogtitle: ---- Ogdescription: ---- Ogimage: ---- Ogsitename: ---- Ourl: ---- Ogaudio: ---- Ogvideo: ---- Ogdeterminer: ---- Ogtype: ---- Ogtypearticlepublishedtime: ---- Ogtypearticlemodifiedtime: ---- Ogtypearticleexpirationtime: ---- Ogtypearticleauthor: ---- Ogtypearticlesection: ---- Ogtypearticletag: ---- Twittertitle: ---- Twitterdescription: ---- Twitterimage: ---- Twittercardtype: ---- Twittersite: ---- Twittercreator: ---- Menutext: About ---- Meta-title: ---- Meta-description: ---- Meta-canonical-url: ---- Meta-author: ---- Meta-image: ---- Meta-phone-number: ---- Og-title: ---- Og-description: About Nicolson Bray Cyber Security Consultancy and founder Bob Nicolson ---- Og-image: ---- Og-site-name: ---- Og-url: ---- Og-audio: ---- Og-video: ---- Og-determiner: ---- Og-type: website ---- Og-type-article-published-time: ---- Og-type-article-modified-time: ---- Og-type-article-expiration-time: ---- Og-type-article-author: ---- Og-type-article-section: ---- Og-type-article-tag: ---- Twitter-title: About Us ---- Twitter-description: About Nicolson Bray Cyber Security Consultancy and founder Bob Nicolson ---- Twitter-image: ---- Twitter-card-type: ---- Twitter-site: @nicolsonbray ---- Twitter-creator: ---- Robots-noindex: ---- Robots-nofollow: ---- Robots-noarchive: ---- Robots-noimageindex: ---- Robots-nosnippet: ---- Socialtitle: ---- Socialdescription: ---- Socialimage: ---- Showinfooter: false ---- Setpagewidth: Full width ---- Pagewidthpercentmobile: 100 ---- Pagewidthpercentdesktop: 100 ---- Makeonepagesection: false ---- Usetitle: false ---- Showheroimagetitle: true ---- Addheroimagefade: true ---- Titleposition: ---- Heroheight: medium ---- Heroposition: bottom ---- Usetitleslider: false ---- Showslidertitle: false ---- Addsliderfade: false ---- Slidertitleposition: ---- Videofiles: ---- Videoposter: ---- Usetitlevideo: false ---- Showvideotitle: ---- Addvideofade: ---- Videotitleposition: centreLeft ---- Videoheroheight: large ---- Description: ---- Heroimagesubsubtitle: ---- Heroslidersubsubtitle: ---- Builder: - text: | Nicolson Bray is a boutique cyber security consultancy specialising in cyber security risk management and technical delivery. Founded by Bob Nicolson in 2012 we have worked with many household names in financial services such as Lloyd’s Bank and Aviva, where we have helped deliver cyber security transformation and risk programmes. More recently our focus has moved away from global blue-chip organisations to industries and businesses where cyber security investment has not always been as strong. In doing so we bring our experience of tried and tested strategies to clients who are just beginning to see the value in cyber security investment. In turn this enables them to benefit from lessons learned elsewhere, and to make cyber security risk improvements both efficiently and effectively. In all our engagements we strive to deliver excellence, and to enhance the understanding of cyber security risk across the organisation. For us cyber security is a business challenge, and we believe we make businesses stronger through our delivery of cyber security change. If you would like to know more, please get in contact today. sectionid: "" _key: bodytext _uid: bodytext_1608019006242_1315