Title: Home ---- Layout: [{"attrs":{"layoutclass":"","layoutid":"","containblock":"","marginbottom":"false"},"columns":[{"blocks":[{"content":{"level":"h2","text":"MISSION","justify":""},"id":"ddaf11d1-5b6a-4f35-a991-f42765fb585d","isHidden":false,"type":"heading"},{"content":{"text":"<p>College and post-grad years are a unique time in your life. They are exciting. They can be challenging.<\/p><p>Campus DBT provides you with accessible resources, professional guidance and tailored coaching to help overcome these challenges. We\u2019ve developed student focused programs and skills coaching that harness the power of DBT Therapy so that you can take your place in this world with confidence.<\/p><p>Unlock your potential, you can own your space, own your time and<\/p><p>Own your experience.<\/p>"},"id":"1ffcdd39-45e6-45d6-8a89-97db0b5cf962","isHidden":false,"type":"text"}],"id":"584b83e1-25f4-4b04-8ec7-08cb54e8cbc3","width":"1\/1"}],"id":"ad5bacad-f332-46d8-b8b8-52908db9623e"}] ---- Tabs: - tabheading: Learn to manage emotion tabtext: > Develop the ability to identify and understand your emotions and their resulting actions. Learn how to decrease and even change emotional responses. Develop the proactive skillset of caring for yourself, lowering your vulnerability to emotional triggers. - tabheading: Improve relationships tabtext: > Learn how to identify and reach your objectives in your interactions with others. Develop the ability to validate yourself and others. Understand how a dialectical view of the world allows for peaceful disagreement. - tabheading: Enhance mindfulness skill tabtext: > Developing and strengthening your ability to be present in the moment. Present with your thoughts and emotions. Present with your actions. Present with others. And most importantly, present with yourself. - tabheading: Strengthen resolve in times of stress tabtext: > Learn how to survive difficult situations and high emotions. Develop the insight and the skills to accept some of life’s harder circumstances. Set the stage towards effectively engaging with tough realities. ---- Herotype: Hero Image ---- Heroimage: - adobestock_167108735.webp ---- Heroimagetitletype: true ---- Heroimagetitle: DBT Simplified ---- Heroimagesubtitle: One Semester A lifetime of skills ---- Heroimagefade: true ---- Heroimageheight: Large ---- Heroimageposition: ---- Heroimagepositionmobile: ---- Slides: ---- Heroslidertitletype: false ---- Heroslidertitle: ---- Heroslidersubtitle: ---- Showsliderarrows: false ---- Herosliderfade: false ---- Randomsliders: false ---- Herosliderheight: ---- Heroslideposition: ---- Herovideofile: ---- Herovimeourl: ---- Herovideoposter: ---- Herovideotitletype: false ---- Herovideotitle: ---- Herovideosubtitle: ---- Herovideofade: false ---- Herovideoheight: ---- Metatitle: Student Mental Health & DBT Therapy ---- Metadescription: Offering virtual comprehensive DBT Skills program to college students and young adults. Improve and optimize your mental health on your schedule ---- Ogtitle: Student Mental Health & DBT Therapy | Campus DBT ---- Ogdescription: Offering virtual comprehensive DBT Skills program to college students and young adults. Improve and optimize your mental health on your schedule ---- Ogimage: - campusdbt-1200-630.jpg ---- Ogsitename: Campus DBT ---- Ourl: ---- Ogaudio: ---- Ogvideo: ---- Ogdeterminer: ---- Ogtype: website ---- Ogtypearticlepublishedtime: ---- Ogtypearticlemodifiedtime: ---- Ogtypearticleexpirationtime: ---- Ogtypearticleauthor: ---- Ogtypearticlesection: ---- Ogtypearticletag: ---- Twittertitle: Student Mental Health & DBT Therapy | Campus DBT ---- Twitterdescription: Offering virtual comprehensive DBT Skills program to college students and young adults. Improve and optimize your mental health on your schedule ---- Twitterimage: - campusdbt-1200-630.jpg ---- Twittercardtype: summaryLargeImage ---- Twittersite: ---- Twittercreator: ---- Menutext: ---- Og-title: Student Mental Health & DBT Therapy | Campus DBT ---- Og-description: Offering virtual comprehensive DBT Skills program to college students and young adults. Improve and optimize your mental health on your schedule ---- Og-image: - campusdbt-1200-630.jpg ---- Og-site-name: Campus DBT ---- Og-url: ---- Og-audio: ---- Og-video: ---- Og-determiner: ---- Og-type: website ---- Og-type-article-published-time: ---- Og-type-article-modified-time: ---- Og-type-article-expiration-time: ---- Og-type-article-author: ---- Og-type-article-section: ---- Og-type-article-tag: ---- Twitter-title: Student Mental Health & DBT Therapy | Campus DBT ---- Twitter-description: ---- Twitter-image: ---- Twitter-card-type: ---- Twitter-site: ---- Twitter-creator: ---- Showinfooter: false