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People often look back on their days on campus as the best time of their lives. Friendships made, new horizons explored, and a journey of discovery begun. College is about so much more than just getting your degree. However, the pressure that comes with obtaining that degree can be overwhelming - causing anxiety, stress and distress.\u00a0<\/p>

There is an ever-increasing focus on student mental health and the role it plays on setting college students up for success on the rest of their journey beyond graduation. The pressures of college are unique \u2013 this fast-paced environment is filled with constant change, challenges, and stress. Optimizing mental health is vital for students so they can focus on what matters during what should be special years.\u00a0<\/p>

The benefits of nurturing your mind and wellbeing during your college years are well established. Campus DBT delivers programs<\/a> that help you own your time, own your space and own your journey. Our focus is on empowering you to embrace your imperfections in the pursuit of positive change and the development of practical skills to help you tackle all of life\u2019s challenges.\u00a0<\/p>"},"id":"f73b58d2-96b5-46e5-b16b-22459f478c2f","isHidden":false,"type":"text"},{"content":{"level":"h2","text":"Mental Health and College Students","justify":""},"id":"b0aa63cf-9de2-4676-9bb4-abc20068e018","isHidden":false,"type":"heading"},{"content":{"text":"

The health of our mind is as important as that of our body. College is when we can get a jump-start on our journey by embracing positive behaviours and learning useful tools that help build a solid foundation for future wellbeing.\u00a0<\/p>

Having a fitness routine for your mental health is as important as regularly hitting the gym. Every college student has access to a wide range of activities on or near campus to maintain their physical health, but facilities and focus on student mental health have been slow to catch up. Key to this is accessibility. Student life is uniquely structured around lectures, timetables, exams, socializing and enjoying your college experience. Therapy and wellness need to fit in around this life. Making wellbeing services accessible, optimizing mental health, and college students being able to focus their mind on what matters, is why Campus DBT was founded. We understand the relationship between mental health and college students and have developed programs to optimize your health for a better college experience.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0<\/p>

We\u2019re focused on breaking down barriers so students can access the support they need when they need it. Our commitment is to help you build practical tools to become more confident, overcome obstacles and own your experience.<\/p>"},"id":"5c61face-1cea-4023-bf80-e1e61a2e2d25","isHidden":false,"type":"text"},{"content":{"level":"h2","text":"College Mental Health Statistics","justify":""},"id":"166abff7-03da-4397-8266-d74227ed3f58","isHidden":false,"type":"heading"},{"content":{"text":"

\u200b\u200bIts never too late to start investing in building better mental health. Its never too early either.\u00a0<\/p>

There are several college mental health statistics that highlight the importance of building better mental health, and of taking a progressive and open approach to holistic wellness. Specifically, a majority <\/em>of students will experience either negative thoughts or some sort of mental health crisis during college. Investing in yourself to be better equipped to confront these challenges is within your control.<\/p>

Managing college student mental health is as vital as managing physical health. The balance matters. Campus DBT has developed programs that act like a fitness routine for your mental health, providing you with practical skills to help you tackle college life, problems, thoughts, and relationships.\u00a0<\/p>

We help free your thinking so you can confront situations with the confidence to conquer obstacles.<\/p>"},"id":"b4257673-bc93-4b72-8eb6-886b095f277b","isHidden":false,"type":"text"}],"id":"53bca738-f532-4a44-b1ff-062a8f6410c6","width":"1\/1"}],"id":"2348a1d6-0f3b-450f-bffb-3aad2a0aa736"}] ---- Herotype: Hero Image ---- Heroimage: - student-mental_health.jpg ---- Heroimagetitletype: true ---- Heroimagetitle: Find out More... ---- Heroimagesubtitle: How can we help you? ---- Heroimagefade: true ---- Heroimageheight: Medium ---- Heroimageposition: ---- Heroimagepositionmobile: ---- Slides: ---- Heroslidertitletype: false ---- Heroslidertitle: ---- Heroslidersubtitle: ---- Showsliderarrows: false ---- Herosliderfade: false ---- Randomsliders: false ---- Herosliderheight: ---- Heroslideposition: ---- Herovideofile: ---- Herovimeourl: ---- Herovideoposter: ---- Herovideotitletype: false ---- Herovideotitle: ---- Herovideosubtitle: ---- Herovideofade: false ---- Herovideoheight: ---- Metatitle: Student Mental Health ---- Metadescription: Student Mental Health has become an increasing area of focus for wellness programs and therapy to improve students’ college experience and promote better wellbeing. ---- Ogtitle: Student Mental Health | Campus DBT ---- Ogdescription: Student Mental Health has become an increasing area of focus for wellness programs and therapy to improve students’ college experience and promote better wellbeing. ---- Ogimage: ---- Ogsitename: Campus DBT ---- Ourl: ---- Ogaudio: ---- Ogvideo: ---- Ogdeterminer: ---- Ogtype: website ---- Ogtypearticlepublishedtime: ---- Ogtypearticlemodifiedtime: ---- Ogtypearticleexpirationtime: ---- Ogtypearticleauthor: ---- Ogtypearticlesection: ---- Ogtypearticletag: ---- Twittertitle: Student Mental Health | Campus DBT ---- Twitterdescription: Student Mental Health has become an increasing area of focus for wellness programs and therapy to improve students’ college experience and promote better wellbeing. ---- Twitterimage: ---- Twittercardtype: ---- Twittersite: ---- Twittercreator: ---- Og-image: ---- Og-type: website ---- Og-type-article-published-time: 2022-08-11 09:22:52 ---- Og-type-article-modified-time: 2022-08-11 09:22:52 ---- Og-type-article-expiration-time: 2022-08-11 09:22:52 ---- Og-type-article-author: ---- Og-type-article-tag: ---- Twitter-image: