Title: DBT vs CBT ---- Layout: [{"attrs":{"layoutclass":"","layoutid":"","containblock":"","marginbottom":"false"},"columns":[{"blocks":[{"content":{"text":"

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) don\u2019t compete. <\/p>

DBT Therapy is an outgrowth of CBT, embracing the same principles with the addition of eastern philosophies. There is no DBT vs CBT argument or conflict - only two differing approaches that originate from the same school of thought. There\u2019s no one answer to \u2018What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?\u2019 or What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy? The power that we utilize in DBT is held through its embrace of individuality, and imperfection.<\/p>

DBT Therapy is more focused on the acceptance of imperfections \u2013 helping people to make positive change through promoting mindfulness and truly getting to know what your value priorities are. <\/p>

Managing a stressful situation and managing your response to it aren\u2019t the same thing. Identifying how you respond to a distressing or challenging scenario helps to inform available strategies to help you manage it. <\/p>

One of the pillars of Campus DBT is that no two people or experiences are the same. Neither is therapy. Our programs, their strategies and the tools they provide are as individual as you. <\/p>


How DBT can benefit you<\/h2>


We are often asked regarding the differing benefits of DBT vs CBT, and which option might best someone searching for the right tools to build better mental health. <\/p>

Due to their similar principles, both dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy work to assist someone to understand the causes, triggers and activations of their behaviors, working with them to develop the tools to positively influence these. With more similarities than differences, DBT vs CBT is not an enduring conversation among practitioners. It can be difficult to understand the subtle differences to those who are new to either concept. <\/p>

DBT expounds upon CBT this through a more embracing acceptance of dysfunctional behavior. DBT delivers benefits through the promotion of acceptance as a foundation to create positive change, whether this acceptance is of circumstance or inherent character. Dialectical behavior therapy delivers enduring benefits not through seeking to alter the way you think but developing your capacity to better understand why you think the way you do. DBT therapy adds eastern philosophies in a practical manner to its approach and mission to deliver holistic wellness.<\/p>

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